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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
would like to wish a friend of mine a very happy bday..

semoga apa dicita akan tercapai..

if u bother to browse thru my archive, u would noe who's bday will it be today.


used to splurge my hard earned money for this day..

until it left me penniless thruout of january. =)

but nevertheless, i noe u'll be reading this.. happy bday!

sealed with a kiss
10:32 PM

Monday, January 05, 2009
wow!! 2009??

cepat la seyyy...

hmmm... i really really hope, dis yr, will be a smooth sailing one for me... 2008 was bumpy.

and hope there'll be more peace instead of war.


i really want new hp. will save up to get the dream phone. hehe..

1st must save up for something really really important for the month of January.


wait for the surprise!
chantique tak gambar ni?? i think i look more better in tudung eh?? maniis la seyy.. lol.

sealed with a kiss
8:23 PM

Thursday, December 18, 2008
hey hey hey.. blog la seyy..

sum1 reminded me of my abandoned blog..

bila tengok balik.. fuh! lama pe tak update..

i go and find back the name and password

jumpa la seyy..


sealed with a kiss
10:29 PM


k bye..

sealed with a kiss
10:25 PM

Sunday, September 02, 2007
Sometimes I find myself sittin' back and reminiscing
Especially when I have to watch other people kissin'
And I remember when you started callin' me your miss's
All the play fightin', all the flirtatious disses
I'd tell you sad stories about my childhood
I don't why I trusted you but I knew that I could
We'd spend the whole weekend lying in our own dirt
I was just so happy in your boxers and your t-shirt

Dreams, Dreams
Of when we had just started things
Dreams of you and me
It seems, It seems
That I can't shake those memories
I wonder if you have the same dreams too.

The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things are reminding me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if for only one weekend
So come on, Tell meIs this the end?

Drinkin' tea in bed
Watching DVD's
When I discovered all your dirty grotty magazines
You take me out shopping and all we'd buy is trainers
As if we ever needed anything to entertain us the first time that you introduced me to your friends and you could tell I was nervous, so you held my hand
when I was feeling down, you made that face you do no one in the world who could replace you

Dreams, Dreams
Of when we had just started things
Dreams of me and you
It seems, It seems
That I can't shake those memories
I wonder if you feel the same way too
The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things reminding me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if for only one weekend
So come on, Tell me
Is this the end?

i love this song.. it reminds me of US... thank you dear..

sealed with a kiss
10:59 AM

woohooo... 5 mths i have not update my bloggie.. last time blogger was such a 'piyong' for me.. i could not log in and so ever.. glad that it is now ok.. i have my multiply site which i've done most of my updating..

hmmmmmmmm... nothing much to say... hehe..

this is suppose to be a testing post.. :)

sealed with a kiss
10:20 AM

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
been in a very perplexed situation...
me & him, confirmed, *i think* a couple.. we've made it through with the approval of both sides.. yes, i met his mum, he met my mum.. i'm so loving this!! dapat restu keluarga.. Alhamdulillah.. all praises to Him.

but on the other side, him.. i know he misses me so much.. i know he still long to see me.. i can read it from his msn nick.. he has stopped calling me.. he has stopped sms-ing me.. but i know.. deep inside, he's dying..

i'm sorry..

but i really do love my sayang.. Abg, hopefully, both of us will be blessed with a blessed relationship.. i love you sayang...

sealed with a kiss
11:14 PM

Wednesday, January 31, 2007
i report sick again today.. sakit lagi..... sakit rindu agaknye.. dapat mc sampai besok..
went to polyclinic with ayah just now.. he accompanied me. so sweet right? sbb takut anak dia ni jatuh ke, menggatal dgn doctor ke.. haha! tunggu lama la kan..
when da jumpa doctor, kene tanya byk soalan by the doc.. i will not forget the conversation sbb doctor freak me out!! seram beb!

doc: ok easmariza, what's ur problem?

me: oh.. i kept throwing up the past two days, i am very weak.. last night, i had high fever and today morning my whole body is aching..

doc: u also had bad sore throat i see..

me: yes.. and headache.

doc: which part?

me: the right side.. and does there any connection with my neck? cause it is very painful..

doc: ummm... i think u have serious problem..

so he start checking my pulse, he massaged my neck and i feel nauseous.
he sat down back..

doc: easmariza, may i ask you something? have you had ur menses?

me: yes, regularly. (though i know, i have irregular menses)

doc: when's ur last menses?

me: last month. (i didn't even realise that today marks the end of THIS month)

doc: which period?

me: this period.. around this time.. (i still forget)

doc: (smiling) could there be any possibility that u're pregnant? (na'uzubillah)

me: sial la doctor. no la!! cannot be! eh doctor, u dun think i'm pregnant don't you?

doc: u sure? u did not have some "physical activity" with ur boyfriend or something?

me: fuck sia.. no la! (dlm hati) sial la ni doctor..

so he asked me to lie down.. check my tummy.. and CONFIRM with me that i'm NOT PREGNANT!

he gave me two days mc and confirm that i just had a very very bad flu.. so in total, i have 4 days straight mc.. mcm duduk kat hospital pulak...

oh ya, yesterday.. a friend of me called me up.. Fai.. he got to know that i'm sick. da cakap2 semua, dia tanya..

fai: iza, u kenal dgn budak nama iryani tak? she claimed that she know you..

me: siapa seh tu? tak kenal pun..

fai: she told me something about you, but i tak nak percaya bulat2.
me: cerita apa ni.. best ke?

fai: dia kata, u're going out with this budak motor.. and right now u're choosing between nak pilih that guy or with another guy.. in other word, she said mcm u ni playgirl la..

me: woah!! me? i mana nye jambu seh fai yg dia nak kata i gitu..
(she also said that i'm short and fat)

fai: ntah la iza.. dia kata dia ada kenal dgn kawan i nama easma..

haha! nice try IRYANI! whoever you are.. try better next time ya.. maybe you just viewed my profile or my blog right now! and kalau nak tipu pun, jgn la pakai nama aku k.. aku nye org memilih nak kawan dgn sape.. nak kawan dgn nama iryani? oh puhleeze, tak ada class la nama tu.. da pandai kata aku gemuk pendek.. ada hati nak kata aku playgirl.. skrg make up ur mind ah.. playgirl selalu kan yg cantik kan? so u wanna say that aku ni cantik? wow!! thanks.. anyway, aku ni
tak mati dek keji, tak hidup dek puji la eh..

sealed with a kiss
7:54 PM

Monday, January 29, 2007
hello everybody... how's life ya? hehe... i'm on mc for today and tomorrow.. i passed out in school just now. i threw up badly.. i shivered.. semua org takut sbb tak pernah nampak aku mcm gini.. muntah penuh satu jamban kau... haha! thanks to diana, mdm and kak mas for sending me to the clinic... and most thanks for the free bill.. haha! i didn't need to pay anything including my taxi fare... awww.. so sweet!!

wondering why am i sick like this.. to tell u the truth, i didn't sleep the whole night.. pasal apa? pasal dia la.. he make me awake the whole night.. and i'm too stressed out maybe.. stressed? after the shopping spree? hehe... well, last weekend is the best shopping getaway for me..

1st destination, Marina Square.. we stopped at Giordano, bought some crew neck tee.. he paid for himself.. next we went to Crocs.. thought of buying one for myself but i look stupid in it.. so we went to Nike, bought for him Nike Polo Tee... so nice!! next door, is the Creative store.. Creative V 2 gb for only $129? apa lagi? grab ah satu... penat berjalan, makan kat Secret Recipe.. am not going to dine in there again..
next, went in to URS, he paid for my wedge... it is soooo nice!!!

next stop is Bugis Village.. so i bought myself a nice blouse.. not one but two!! cantik giler kau.. at last ada jugak kedai yg jual baju senonoh at a very affordable price and it's at BUGIS!! can u believe it? mesti tak kan? haha! so penat, balik.. bam tido..

sunday nye, went to Parkway Parade with mama.. masih mood shopping ni.. so 1st ingat nak gi Charles & Keith.. tapi pasal rasa mcm tak perlu, kita gi la ke basement... tak sangka ada sesuatu yg menunggu. CHARLES & KEITH"S SALE!!!! wahhhhhh!!! i bought myself another pair of shoe and a tote bag..
yg yellow from c&k.. vogue kan colour? teka harga kasut tu berapa? $14.90 jek... yg sebelah nye from URS.. $36.90.. the bag for $10..

aduh! i love shopping.. satisfy my craving to Auntie Annie's pretzel.. yummy! eat like pig at banquet.. and up we go to Aussino.. bought for my mum bantal.. cute kan aku.. haha!

today sakit mcm nak mampos.. but... maybe going out to meet my bestie!! maybe onliee...

will update again later ya.. bye!!

sealed with a kiss
3:40 PM

Sunday, January 21, 2007
the song is dedicated to him.. *sigh*

Ada sesuatu ingin kukatakan
Kuharap engkau dapat mengertikan
Selama ini dirimu kusayang
Walaupun kau tidak percaya
Tak guna aku memaksa dirimu
Untuk percaya segala kataku
Kiranya engkau fahami hatiku
Tentunya kau akan menyedari
Aku merasa sungguh indah bersamamu tiap waktu
Kita bermesra... marah dan sayang
Rajuk dan rindu
Walaupun kita pernah merasa terluka dan terkilan
Namun hatiku masih menyintaimu sayang
Alangkah indah kehidupan ini
Seandai engkau terus bersamaku
Kiranya aku menyinggung hatimu
Maafkan diriku... oh sayang
Aku merasa sungguh indah bersamamu tiap waktu
Kita bermesra... marah dan sayang
Rajuk dan rindu
Walaupun kita pernah merasa terluka dan terkilan
Namun hatiku masih menyintaimu... sayang
Alangkah indah kehidupan ini
Seandai engkau terus bersamaku
Kiranya aku menyinggung hatimu
Maafkan diriku... oh sayang
Andainya aku hilang di matamu
Ingatku dalam doamu......

sealed with a kiss
12:44 PM

Saturday, January 20, 2007
Salam ma'al hijrah semua... hope that semua org dlm keadaan yg bahagia... semoga tahun baru ini, kita dukurniakan kekuatan utk menjalani hari2 yg penuh mencabar ini..

aku? i started my tahun baru with tears and lotsa tears.. i dunno if i made a wise decision, but this is the best solution.. i just ended up my relationship again... :(
yes friends... me&him has ended again our relationship.. nothing worked out for both of us..

i don't want to delete off the previous post.. let it be.. it's the last time that we met... i want to make it my best memory.. seeing him happy, him kissing my forehead.. akan tetap bersemadi di hati ini..

no doubt, i do and still love him, but da tak de jodoh.. aku pasrah...

and no, if you think that i'm going back with him, so sorry.. i am not.. my chapter with him da tutup pada tahun ni.. i'm opening up a new chapter in my life...

Hamza, walaupun iza terpaksa membuat keputusan ini.. iza sebenarnya masih sayang kan hamza.. iza da fikir masak2 ttg ini. iza dan hamza tak bole bahagia.. iza dan hamza tak serasi bersama.. iza da tak tahan menjadi pungguk rindukan bulan... iza da tak tahan dimarah selalu.. selama ini iza telan sahaja, selama ini iza diam sahaja.. iza turutkan apa sahaja kemahuan hamza.. jadi, iza harap, hamza dapat la terima kenyataaan yg kita da tak bersama lagi.. seperti yg iza cakap utk kali terakhir kat hamza tadi, jaga lah diri hamza baik2 ye.. mungkin dgn pengunduran diri iza, hamza dapat mengecapi bahagia semula.....

sealed with a kiss
9:32 PM

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy 22nd birthday Baby!!! hehe.. he's 22 yesterday.. and this yr is the 3rd yr i celebrated his bday.... the 1st year, i bought him baju.. mcm budak2 skrg belikan matair hadiah.. bila aku bloghopped, bday jek belikan baju, bday je belikan shirt.. haha! his bday cake, Swensen's ice-cream cake.. like so normal gitu.. celebrated kat masai with my MJ family... the next year, baked for him brownie for his cake, bought for him PSP, ewah.. da maju la kan.. beli hadiah mahal banyak.. celebrated 2 days, satu with MJ the next day with his family... but this yr, we make it like very simple coz he "accidently" scheduled his working day on his BIRTHDAY!! i don't know how far is the truth but ya.. so be it.

aku pulak habis kerja lambat waktu bday dia... haiz. which cause him & myself land in a slight argument but everythin is settled upon me reaching under his void deck..

his prezzie da lama ku belikan only his bday 'cake' lambat sampai coz i ordered from Famous Amos.. so that's why da la lambat habis kerja, nak collect cake lagi.. taxi tetiba tak de.. kene naik bus.. haiz..

so bila da sampai blok dia, called him up and he meet me kat bawah.. dis yr, tak leh naik rumah sbb ada la sbb2 tertentu.. jadi kita act romantic kat bawah kolong blok je la.. aku datang dgn bday cake and he was kinda surprise with it. coz aku ckap, i tak ada bawak apa2 utk you tau dis yr, coz budget lari.. and he said, it's ok.. i pun tak minta pape.. banyak la you!! haha.. that's his cake kat atas tu. sedaap betul cake nye..

then start muka tak malu nye... ini2 aje ke dia tanya.. haha! expect jugak la aku kasi hadiah ye.. and so kelua kan dari beg dgn hadiah nye.. he was kinda shocked actually.. sbb aku cakap budget lari aje kan.. jadi bila ada hadiah, tak sangka la konon nye..

tgh bukak hadiah.. apa tu? haha! kotak kasut pompan? hehe...

muka da senyum sikit bila nampak kotak ni.. hehe.. ada apa2 ke..

bila da bukak hadiah.. terharu makanye aku beli kan dia hadiah yg dia nak.. haha! cute la sayang satu ni... alalala.. manja betul.. pasal i sayang you la apa you nak i belikan tau !
wah!! macho la dia.. haha! org nampak mmg mcm sunglass biasa.. tapi bila tengok betul2 fuh! mahal tuh... bila aku cuba pakai, clear giler dia nye lens... patut la mahal! harga eh? $_ _ _ ++ ada plus2 lagi.. glad he like it.. mesti la suka, idaman makanye... da tak ada jual lagi kat Singapore ni..

up close hadiah nye.. sunglass by Rudy Project.. you can see the reflection? terang giler makanye... i felt satisfied get to buy this for him... dia kata, tiap2 bday, apa i nak, you kasi eh.. i nak psp dapat, i nak rudy project dapat.. tahun depan i nak Super 4 ok.. ha kau! da siap nak hadiah apa tahun depan.. gile nye abang.. itu motor beli sendiri ok..

and so.. now, i'm broke, but i'm happy...

if only we're not pretending in love with each other...

nor we're playing trick on each other...

sealed with a kiss
11:54 PM

Friday, January 05, 2007

sealed with a kiss
10:11 PM

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

so, where have i been missing? missing aje.. malas nak update.. sbb tak ada benda sgt terjadi..

ok, smlm kan, gi jalan2 dgn abg.. ewah, da official ok.. me and him balik bersama.. alah, no big deal la ek... gaduh, patch, gaduh, baik.. haiz.. but still, he's the only one yg betul2 faham dgn aku, so ya, i love him.. haha! nak muntah la pulak..

dia da pasang speaker kat motor.. so kita naik motor da tak sunyi lagi.. hehe.. cuma kuat sgt dia bukak.. and we unleash both our mat & minah dgn our picked song.. haha! tapi mmg org2 yg ada motor ber-speaker ni, mesti on lagu2 gitu la kan... tapi smlm pun sempat gaduh makanye....

ok, january da dtg.. makna nye??? bday dia pun coming... haha! pening lagi kepala aku.. tapi dis time round aku tak pening2 sgt cari hadiah dia.. sbb da tau apa.. mcm last year kene minta tolong abg mad sume teman beli psp.. yg mana skrg ni dia da tak pakai sgt psp tu.. hmph, buang karen jek beli.. hehe. so dis year, sekali lagi aku berkorban beratus2 dolar utk hadiah dia.. tapi tak la semahal psp, sekadar yg termampu aje.. nak tau apa?

ha, itu dia.. the exact model.. dia belum tau lagi yg aku da belikan dia.. nak sgt cermin mata ni. exclusive kat singapore sbb cuma dua tempat aje di-authorized kan utk mengedar cermin mata ni.. haha! rasa puas ah dapat belikan dia.. tak sabar nak kasi dia.. da cantik aje kat rumah ni.. hmmm.. hafta wait beberapa hari lagi..

oh ya, sekola da pun buka.. and budak2 pun da dtg skola... and apa lagi.. penat pun da dtg.. baru habis pakai Osim i-squeeze.. sedap sikit kaki..

ok la, ramalan cuaca kata hujan semalaman di serata singapura, jadi selamat tido dan mimpi yg indah2... haha! BYE!!!!

sealed with a kiss
9:13 PM

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
suppose to update dis post last sunday, tapi terlepas..

ok, kita flashback la k..

3 years ago, dated 10th December 2003. ada la seorg budak perempuan tgh tunggu O level nye result, dtg 1st time kerja. semua rasa mcm alien gitu.. tak faham apa2 pun pasal kerja.. oh ya, kerja yg dimaksudkan ialah, al-Iman kindergarten.

budak tu kene buat kerja filing, kene belajar pakai fax machine, kene belajar set up class.. kene belajar macam2 ah.

masuk bulan january, dia kene pegang class dibawah arahan Tchr Asnah.. seronok la jugak ajar budak2 ni.. hmmm.. tapi dtg satu period of time kan, budak ni da tak leh tahan lagi.. stress banget org kata. lari masuk toilet, nangis2. 2st time breakdown pasal kerja..

dtg la Tchr Aini utk comfort.. from that moment, that girl berusaha sungguh2 utk pertingkat kan diri dia.. she took her Certificate in Early Childhood, then she upgrade to her Diploma in Early Childhood.. sampai la skrg, dia da dikatakan maju la jugak.. hehe..

that girl is none other than Yours Truly.. hehe..

3 years later, this is what i am now in iMAN Kindergarten (no more al-iman ok) a diploma graduate and a senior teacher for big centre Tampines. Woohoo!! every challenge we must face it head on. so ya, pray for me that i can do the best for iMAN!!

here's some pictures, precious moments with those being promoted. ALHAMDULILLAH!!

sealed with a kiss
9:56 PM

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
lama la kan tak update.. busy gilerrrrrrr!!!! lama tak update, tapi tukar skin eh.. ni pun last minute rasa nak tukar.. rasanye suka la gini.. simple aje.. ada gambar2, then putih. suci la rasa.. hehe.. skola pun da tutup.. but busy preparing the class for next year. aku da bilang kan, aku amek k2 & playgroup. yessa!

by the way, i'm promoted to be the Senior teacher for TM. Alhamdulillah.. will try my best to do the best for the children.

banyak tau nak update.. sbb in between busy-ness tu, ada jugak la curi2 time gi jalan2. jap eh tunjuk gambar k..

ignore the uncle kat belakang tu k.. hahakz! kawan aku dengki!!!

ini la sahabat yg bersama ku..

then ada la movie date kan.. hmmmm.. ok2 aje la..

lagi apa eh.. oh ya, submitted my practicum folder already.. yessa! da bis balak semua..and ada jugak la teman yg selalu teman aku gi balik bugis tu.. thanks fai! he's truly a best friend.. and thanks also for introducing me tempat utk lepak.. haha!

oh ya! how can i forget THE event! Kidz Fiesta!!! it's done! phew, after bertekak, selisih faham, muncung sana sini, at last habis gak..

stayed overnight kat Swissotel. best kau! dapat bilik tingkat 55. fuhyoooo!! tinggi kan. haha! before that, ehem, kelua la dgn fai.. hehe.. malu la kan.. balik bilik dlm kul 1130 then tido.. kul 3 da set up barang2 exhibition. hmmm... then kidz fiesta nye la.. best! parents byk compliment. Alhamdulillah..

what else eh nak update.. hmm tak ada apa2 la eh.. lain kali update lagi..

nah gambar last.

singapore bila waktu malam..
sana bahagian east..

la... yg lain2 tak dapat update plak.. tak pe la kan.. bye!

ps: dun mind eh lagu Spin ni.. tgh sot dgn lagu ni ah.. mcm terkena kat aku skrg nye period ni.. jadi ada sikit kemaruk... mood jiwang ah beb.

sealed with a kiss
10:29 PM

Saturday, November 18, 2006
i am so confused by his actions. apa yg dia nak ni dari aku? tak cukup ke hati aku dia lukakan?? apa lagi yg dia nak aku buat.

dia mintak password msn, aku bagi. dia mintak aku delete frenster, aku delete. dia mintak aku delete Hi5, aku delete. dia mintak aku buang kawan2 aku, ada yg aku buang.. jadi apa lagi yg tak cukup? bila aku da buat itu semua utk dia, he can still give me the silent treatment. apa seh? sampai bila seh aku nak tolerate diri dia. bila dia suka, dia cari. bila dia rasa dia ada problem, da hamput aku mcm2, tinggal kan aku.

bila da ok, baik2 balik dgn aku. dia ingat aku patung? then now, bila aku berbual dgn kawan aku, ckap mcm2 la. aku perempuan murah la apa la.. jgn salah kan aku kalau aku buat gini. u asked for it!! and jgn sesekali kau ckap yg aku yg hancurkan hati kau! hati aku yg da remuk ni mcm mana? senang2 kau ingat bole baik?

kau ingat aku bole lupa mcm mana kau tinggal kan aku utk perempuan tu? mcm mana perempuan tu menyusahkan kau pun kau sanggup nak sayang dia.. kau letak aku tepi bulat2 tanpa cakap apa2. kau biarkan aku kerinduan sendiri. kau biarkan hidup aku sengsara. ada kau tau itu semua???

then now, bila dia da tak nak lagi kat kau, kau datang balik merangkak kat aku. aku sedia terima kau. tapi ingat la.... hati ni susah nak baik.. the images of you and her is still fresh in my mind. mcm mana aku lihat korang mesra. mcm mana aku lihat korang berpelukan.. it so hurting!!!!! pls..

my love for you will never be the same.. susah nak build up the trust, susah nak build up the love of 2 years balik kukuh semula..

i really pity the guys whom i rejected. so sorry. i am not the ideal girl that you guys looking for. hati aku da keras.. hati aku da mcm batu.. i dun noe if ever i can love someone ever again....

sealed with a kiss
2:50 PM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
heya everybody.. hehe.. lama tak update kan? asyik letak gambar aje.. today decide to update betul2 la coz rasanya mcm byk kerja da selesai.. hehe..

okay 1st, still remember what phone model am i using? try Nokia 6280? but guess what ppl, aku da tukar lagi.. org kata aku tukar hp mcm tukar baju la kan.. tahun ni aje da berkali2 tukar..

hehe.. tukar sony ericsson plak ah.. bila tengok2 balik kan, rasa nye aku ni mcm downgrade pulak.. but this phone is much more better than yg lama tu..senang nak main mp3. gambar senang nak manage. mcm2 ah.

ok enough of the phone.

now, done with my practicum.. Alhamdulillah, my practicum supervisor, Mdm Zahara gave me a very very touching remarks about me. how she says she is very proud of me. how she looks highly on me. how she.... i dunno. when i did my evaluation,siap aku nangis. sbb terharu sgt. ye la, gembeng la kan.. then fikir, at last, i'm a diploma graduate. after so long... and now, Alhamdulillah. itu aje la mampu aku ckap..

and this week is the meet-parents-session. but Iman do it differently. we made this like as though it's a mini fair. kecoh giler dgr budak2 jual barang.. my class jual air bandung.. but our bandung special tau. Bandung jagung & Bandung lychee. hehe.. style kan? manyak untung loh gua jual ini air.. hehe. profit aku buat, lebih2 dari cost kita. bangga la kan budak2 nye. seronok!

haiz, da nak habis skola kan. this thursday gi Sentosa with the chn.. BEST!!! and next yr, aku take K2 and playgroup! best seh.. rindu aku nak jaga playgroup.. da nak plan ah nak letak apa kat class. haha!

okay la, malas la pulak nak type panjang2. mlm ni bole tido nyenyak!!! SLC aku da bis!!

sealed with a kiss
9:35 PM

Sunday, November 05, 2006

sealed with a kiss
11:11 PM

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

sealed with a kiss
9:01 PM

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

sealed with a kiss
1:40 PM

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
heya.. a lil bit upset over something.. but it's ok.. will fade away sumtime..
i'll try not to go to anybody's blog right now to avoid being upset all over again.. and ppl are still welcome to visit my blog ok..
berundur bukan bererti kita kalah..
betul tak?
tak tau la policy sesetengah org.. kalau hidup hanya ingin mengejek.. tetiba blogging kene beralas.. setahu aku, law blogging, kita tak leh nak memperkotak-katikkan ttg agama seseorg. kita tak leh blog ttg sesuatu yg bole/akan menjatuhkan maruah seseorg tu.. and kita tak leh nak perkata ttg government.
yg lain, up to individual kan? aku tak tau la kalau ada org yg lebih pandai and baca suratkhabar tiap2 hari and kata pasal personal feeling pun tak leh. then jangan ada kan blog la kan.. sbb kalau nak ikut kan betul2, cerita2 yg tak ada kene mengena dan bermanfaat tak patut disiarkan kerana akan membuat seseorg tu lalai.. tak pasal2 tambah dosa sendiri.. kalau nak ikutkan jugak, nak publish ttg kita sayang seseorg tu pun tak bole.. nak kata kita sdg bercinta pun tak bole.. eh, pendek kata jgn blog la.. haha! susah sgt..
haiz.. kekadang manusia leka dgn apa yg dibuatnya.. mengutuk senyap2, lambat laun, kebenaran akan timbul jua.. nak kata aku mengutuk? mungkin mereka tak tau perkara sebenar.. aku nak kutuk pun, depan2.. make known to everybody.. and suprisingly, ada support. ramai pulak di belakang aku.. A BIG THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO SUPPORT. ini la.. org yg dianiaya, akan diberikan petunjuk.. hehe.. kesian kan dgn org2 yg tak tau sosial. huhu..
ok la, smlm aku da minta maaf.. hari ni aku minta maaf lagi kalau terkasar bahasa.. ini la selembut2 yg aku bole cakap.. harap, utk yg aku selalu jumpa, kalau kau rasa aku salah and malas nak berbual dgn aku.. aku terima.. but if kau rasa, nak terima and kau tau aku da lakukan apa yg sepatutnya.. i am more willing to treat u even better. kekadang, kita bila nak reflect diri, bukan dgn kawan sendiri, but dgn org yg tak suka kita.. coz dari situ kita tau kelemahan.. sbb org yg tak suka kita akan mengata sesuatu yg buruk mengenai diri kita.. and baru la skrg aku tau, aku ni menyongeh aje.. and apa eh org selalu kata pasal diri dia? ooops, tak leh tulis sini.. nanti kene tutup pulak blog ni..
aku tau kekadang kawan aku pun malas dgn aku, geram sama aku, kutuk aku krn perbuatan aku.. tak ke kau rasa kawan2 kau pun da bosan dgn cerita2 kau? *amacam pedas tak?* nak tau.. cari la sendiri jawaban nye.. ini utk semua la kan.. tak ada kaitan dgn yg hidup atau pun yg tlah meninggal dunia..

sealed with a kiss
10:21 PM

name: Easmariza
DoB: 25th June (remember it ya)
email: rascalatwork@hotmail.com (msn)

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:) :( :D :p :(( :)) :x
Practice Management Software
Practice Management Software

*HUGS* TOTAL! give me more *HUGS* please..

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